Friday, January 14, 2011

New Year, New Me!!!

As 2010 came to a close, and 2011 made it's debut, I turned 31. For the most part, age doesn't really mean anything to me. In that time, my life has been many a different thing: happy, sad, lonely, pathetic, guilt-ridden, care-free, scared, just to name a few.

Like most, I wanted to start this year out with a positive attitude and a new outlook. I decided last night to take the EAS Body-For-Life Challenge. For those of you not familiar, the Body-For-Life Challenge is a challenge to make lifestyle chnages that not only promote good health and a healthy body, it also focuses on working on one's self from the inside as well. I believe for most of us who've tried dieting in the past, we find the results are usually short-lived. I think this is because we work so hard on our outside, we neglect and even forget our inside. You may not realize it, but being healthy emotionally and mentally aides in our physical well-being. To be truly successful at weight-loss and physical health, you gotta work on the other as well.

I'm at a crossroads in my life where I feel this is the time for me to take control of my life. I'm working full-time, as well as going to school full-time. I married and have a very active 11 year old. My plate is full, but it's fulfilling. It may appear that I will not have time to prepare yummy, healthy meals, or even manage to work out at all, but I will. I will prioritize my life to where I can make the choices I need to for me. In return, I'll feel better about myself because I will be better. This will no doubt carry over into my family, and they mean the world to me.

I hope you follow me on my journey. The challenge is 12 weeks long, and I will offically start on Monday. So, this weekend, I will not work out. I will not count calories, or drink gallons of water. This weekend I will clear my mind of negativity and be prepared to start my new adventure when Monday rolls around. Hey, Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday. He had a dream. Guess what? I do too! My dream is to be healthy, happy, and satisfied with myself.

If you're interested in finding out more about EAS, and the Body-For-Life Challenge, please visit today.

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